Malign information influence in the U.S. elections
Past U.S. presidential elections have faced malign information influence attempts aimed at creating distrust in election results. What are the main concerns for this year's elections? What lessons have been learned, and what measures are being taken to protect the 2024 U.S. elections?
Utökad information om evenemangetAs this year's U.S. presidential elections approach, valuable lessons can be learned from how other democratic elections have been targeted (regarding methods used in) with malign information influence attempts. How have foreign threat actors strategically utilized social media, AI, other vectors and communication channels to influence election processes? And which of these methods and techniques have been observed in attempts to manipulate the U.S. elections so far? The seminar will be recorded to be broadcast afterwards. This means that you as a participant may be visible in the picture. ATTENTION! Security guards will carry out bag checks at MPF's seminars.
- Michael Weiss, English-language editor of The Insider, coauthor of The New York Times Bestseller ISIS
- Jakub Kalenský, Deputy Director of the Centre’s Hybrid Influence COI, Hybrid COE, Helsinki
- Andrea Liebman, senior analytiker, MPF
- Katarina Tracz, Moderator och vd, Solomós Communications