Global efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest challenge to the global community since the 1940s. At that time, political leaders came together to forge the multilateral system. Today our aim is to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic together.
Utökad information om evenemangetThe EU and the Member States, acting together as Team Europe, have taken comprehensive action to tackle the destructive impact of the pandemic. The EU has together with its partners set up the COVAX Facility, a global initiative bringing together Governments and manufacturers to ensure COVID-19 vaccines reach those most in need. Team Europe is investing more than €2.2 billion to help secure 1.3 billion doses of vaccines for 92 low and middle-income countries by the end 2021. Does the pandemic represent an opportunity to work globally together towards better pandemic preparedness and response?
- Carl Bildt, WHO special envoy for the ACT-Accelerator, Kreab
- Anders Nordström, Head of the Secretariat of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response under WHO
- Koen Doens, Director-General INTPA, European Commission
- Christian Danielsson (moderator), Head of European Commission Representation in Sweden, European Commission representation in Sweden