Eleven years to 2030 – how will businesses revolutionize sustainability?
In 2015 the leaders of our world united and promised to work for the 2030 Agenda – but a sustainable world needs actions. To battle the critical situation all forces must act to change the current path. Politicians, authorities, civil society and not the least, businesses. No one can be left behind.
Utökad information om evenemangetTime is running out. The temperatures are rising, politics are polarizing, and democracy is shrinking globally. At the same time we can witness how female entrepreneurs challenges discriminatory structures in countries such as India, Afghanistan and Somalia. In their communities they fight to change the mentality of family members, neighbours and whole societies by breaking glass ceilings and questioning social norms. But when only 12% of ALL investments are sustainable, we need a radical change of committing towards sustainability. Very welcome to a discussion on the necessity of creating partnerships to use our different strengths and find new ways to achieve a sustainable future.
- Sasja Beslik, Head of Sustainibility, Nordea
- Stina Götbrink, Generalsekreterare, Hand in Hand
- Wilo Abdulle, Entreprenör, SSBP/Forum Syd
- Sandra Runsten, Sustainable Business Strategist, New Division