Sweden’s carbon budget challenge – turning Paris’ aspirations into local climate action
The Paris Agreement brought together the nations of the world to agree on the urgent need to tackle climate change. But what will delivering on the Paris Agreement look like in Sweden? How can municipalities and regions align their climate strategies with the agreement’s temperature commitments?
Utökad information om evenemangetThe Swedish Carbon Budget Challenge focuses on turning the Paris Agreement into local action across Sweden. This event will address the role that municipalities, cities, regions, sectors and organisations can take in alligning their climate and energy strategies with the commitments made in Paris in 2015. To raise awareness and connect actors in Sweden, two weeks prior to the event Kevin Anderson will be travelling across the country by bike, holding public lectures and meeting citizens as well as local and regional governments. This two-wheeled journey aims to discuss how bottom-up measures might catalyse change at the national and international level. The seminar will include a presentation and film-screening of the 'The Swedish Carbon Cycle', a lecture by Kevin Anderson followed by a panel discussion including a Q&A with the audience.
- Kevin Anderson, Zennström professor in climate change leadership, Uppsala universitet
- Agneta Green, Energi- & klimatsamordnare, Länsstyrelsen i Gotlands län
- Anders Wijkman, Chairman of the governing board, Climate-KIC
- Karin Sundby, Ordförande, Klimatriksdagen
- Isak Stoddard, (moderator), CEMUS, Uppsala universitet och SLU