Will today’s business models exist when the linear economy ends?
Today, four of the nine planetary boundaries are exceeded, and we need to change from a linear to a circular society. To achieve the goals, all actors in society need to contribute and new innovations needs to be developed.
Utökad information om evenemangetOne of the exceeded planetary boundaries is the altered biogeochemical flows, for example phosphorus. At Ragn-Sells, we see all waste as a valuable resource and treat it accordingly. In this seminar we will focus on the critical resource phosphorus and todays challenges within the linear economy and resources management in a circular economy. One perspective is the limitation for free trade of waste and resources, a challenge that needs to be addressed globally. Another perspective is the important role that waste-to-energy plants will play in the transformation towards a circular economy.
- Pär Larshans, Moderator, Head of Sustainability & Public Affairs, Ragn-Sells
- Ludwig Hermann, President of the board, European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP)
- Jan Svärd, CEO, EasyMining
- Anders Kihl, Head of Research & Development, Ragn-Sells
- Anders Finnson, The Swedish Water & Wastewater Association
- Anna Lundbom, Head of Marketing, EasyMining